Visualize Results

Core Concepts




Confidence Intervals



Draw Conclusions

Summarize Results

Future Work


  Understanding the performance and suitability of a system in all its complexities and under realistic operating conditions often requires unique and advanced statistical approaches.  Furthermore, results from statistical analyses must be placed back into the context of system characteristics before they can inform decisions or result in lessons learned.  The following sections highlight common test and evaluation analyses, provide case studies of their use in real system tests, and introduce advanced statistical techniques.

Common Test & Evaluation Analyses

Basic statistical approaches are often not suited to characterize the performance or suitability of systems operating in realistic scenarios.  However, tests of different systems often record similar kinds of responses.  Whether examining how far a rifle shot is from a bullseye or how far a missile hit is from it's target, these similar miss-distance responses also require similar analyses. This section covers common test and evaluation analyses. Read more>>

Core System Analysis Case Studies

In this section, you will find case studies of analyses for systems with common response variables in Defense testing and evaluation (e.g., Pass/Fail; Detection Range; Accuracy). Evaluators testing similar systems or systems with similar response variables can learn what to expect when it comes time to analyze test results, as well as what information is important to convey to a statistician when requesting these analyses. Read more>>

Advanced Test & Evaluation Analyses

This section highlights unique approaches and new techniques developed to work with more complex data scenarios.  Alternative analyses and emerging directions are presented. Read more>>

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