Common Test & Evaluation Analyses

Defense systems are complex systems that contain a variety of software and hardware components. They consistently push the limitations of scientific understanding, synergizing new and unique interfaces among software, hardware, and users. Testing these complex, multi-functional systems, especially when you consider the range of system types that must be tested, demands both a structured and flexible analytical process. Thorough testing of defense systems must ensure that they will work in a variety of complex combat environments and scenarios.

Characteristics of Test and Evaluation Goals

To ensure thorough testing, defense system testing occurs in multiple phases – developmental and operational. Both use similar analytical tools, but emphasize different goals.

Developmental Testing

Developmental testing focuses on understanding system capabilities and limitations while still in the development phase. This often means tests are conducted on critical subsystems before they are integrated into the full system. Additionally, in contrast to operational testing, developmental testing often takes place in a more controlled environment, making it the best time to use DOE to learn about key reasons why system performance changes as a function of test conditions.

Key focus areas for developmental testing include:

  • - System Performance
  • - Reliability
  • - Interoperability
  • - Cybersecurity

Operational Testing

In contrast, to developmental testing, operational testing focuses on the effectiveness and suitability of systems when used in the operational environment, by operational users. Key components of effectiveness often include mission accomplishment and system performance. Suitability, on the other hand, often relies on the assessment of reliability, maintainability, and availability as well as Human Factors or Human Systems Integration measures (e.g., workload, usability, training adequacy).

Key focus areas for operational testing include:

  • System Effectiveness
    • - Performance in Operational Environment
    • - Support of Mission Accomplishment
  • System Suitability
    • - Reliability, Availability, & Maintainability
    • - Usability, Workload, other Human Factors

Characteristics of Test & Evaluation Data

In the end, analysis of any data simply comes down to the mathematical characteristics of the data. Regardless of test phase (developmental/operational), we see common trends throughout T&E that make a certain subset of statistical analysis methods very useful to know well. The following are the most commonly occurring data characteristics and their corresponding analyses.

T&E Data Characteristics & Analyses

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